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Rev. Javier & Diana


Javier and Diana Melendez met while working together as college freshmen in Connecticut, and married 6 years later. They have a passion for children and families, and pouring the love of Jesus into both young and old. After a period of waiting, the Lord blessed them with their four children.


Javier accepted the Lord as Savior in his teens and was called into ministry at that age. He served in a variety of ministries, and is gifted in the use of multimedia to reach others for Christ. He is a techie who is a great listener and encourager to others along life’s journey, always looking to point them back to their true source, Jesus. 


The Lord opened a door for Javier to complete his Master’s of Divinity through Liberty University while working full time in ministry, as a family pastor who also taught Bible to middle and high school students. His teenage salvation story inspired a desire to provide the same opportunity to the next generation, knowing what a change in trajectory it has provided to his own life.


Diana accepted the Lord as Savior as a young girl in Sunday School and loved being involved in her church from an early age. She felt a love for children and was involved in family ministries, which prompted her to pursue a degree in Education, which she used for many years in the public schools as well as Christian schools. She is currently homeschooling their 4 children.


Javier and Diana are passionate about pouring into others and felt the Lord calling them to Pioneer Valley Assembly of God. Walking with Jesus isn’t just a weekend activity, it’s an exciting, deeply gratifying journey, and they would love to join alongside families to help build strong children that will shine the light of Jesus to all they meet. 


They desire to help everyone they meet to grow deep rooted relationships with Christ, and desire to build a strong church community filled with Christ followers who are equipped to boldly share their faith with all those they meet in their neighborhoods, their workplaces, and beyond. 


The Melendez’s are excited to see God touch the lives of many in Western Massachusetts through the ministries at Pioneer Valley Assembly of God.

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